WWE SmackDown Live Results 28th November 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and many more !!!

The Riott Squad made their presence felt
This week's SmackDown Live ended up a pretty entertaining show. We got a No DQ match between Randy Orton and Kevin Owens as the main-event while the Riott Squad made their official in-ring debut on SmackDown.
Shane McMahon kicks off SmackDown

Shane McMahon kicked of SD
Shane McMahon comes out and tells the crowd that he was happy to be a part of the blue brand unlike Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, who had clearly stated their disdain for the blue brand. Shane added that he would have fired them if it hadn�t been for Daniel Bryan. He then invited Daniel out.
Bryan came out to a monstrous pop and addressed the Owens and Zayn situation. He said that as someone who�d been fired twice, he believe in second chances. He then added that sometimes Shane�s temperament got the better of him.
Shane reminded Bryan that KO had beaten Vince unmercifully in the ring. He also reminded Bryan that Zayn had screwed him over at Hell In A Cell, not to mention the incident at Survivor Series.
Bryan retorted and asked Shane to trust him because he recognized in-ring talent. Shane replied that he had changed Kevin Owens� match into a No DQ match with Sami Zayn barred from ringside.
Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were backstage with Daniel Bryan. They complained about Shane booking Owens in a No DQ match to no avail.
The New Day vs Gable and Benjamin

Another successful night for the New Day?
Chad Gable started off with Xavier Woods. Woods and Kofi started off at breath taking speed as they traded tags and got the better of Gable till the former Olympian hit Woods with a kick across the jaw and tagged in Benjamin. Benjamin caught Woods with a boot to the head from the apron and Gable wiped him out with a clothesline as we headed to commercial.
Benjamin hit a couple of stiff knees as we came back from the break. He the tagged in Gable who hit a flying knee strike from the top rope. Gable looked to set up a belly-to-belly from the middle rope but Xavier Woods knocked him off and hit a beautiful dropkick.
Apart from this, a popular Superstar also turned heel. Read on for details.
Both men made tags and Kofi came in on the hot tag. Kofi was all over Benjamin who almost reversed a crossbody from the top tope for the 3-count. Kofi kicked out and hit the Boom Drop as he looked for the Trouble In Paradise.
Benjamin caught him in midair but was dumped out of the ring, followed by Gable. Woods came in and hit a suicide dive. Kofi and Woods isolated Shelton and double-teamed him with a knee strike from the top rope for the win.
The New Day def. Gable and Benjamin
Bludgeon Brothers vs Hype Bros

Another win for Harper and Rowan
This match ended almost as soon as it began. Harper and Rowan wiped out Ryder before knocking Mojo off the apron. They then hit a double powerbomb to Ryder for the win.
Bludgeon Brothers def. Hype Bros
After the match, Mojo attacked Ryder during a post-match interview. It looks like the Hype Bros are no longer a tag-team.
The Singh Brothers vs AJ Styles (2-on1 Handicap Match)

AJ got lured into a trap. Jinder attacked him as soon as the WWE Champion entered the ring and flung him against the ringpost as we headed to a commercial.
The match officially started after the break. The Singh Brothers used their numbers advantage well early on, taking their time to pick AJ apart. Styles briefly looked to mount a comeback when Sunil Singh caught him with a chopblock to the knee.
The Singh�s then went for a double superplex but AJ knocked both Singh�s off the apron. Jinder looked to intervene but received a boot to his face for his troubles.
Sunil Singh looked to hit a hurracanrana but AJ hit him with a Styles Clash from the middle rope onto his brother for the win.
AJ Styles def. The Singh Brothers
Jinder Mahal hit both the Singh Brothers with a Khallas each after the match. Is this the end of their association?
Charlotte, Natalya and Naomi vs The Riott Squad

Ruby Riot and Natalya started us off. Ruby immediately caught Natalya on the backfoot and tagged Sarah Logan in. Logan took Natalya down with a clothesline. Natalya tagged Charlotte in and left wanting nothing to do with SmackDown Live�s 3 new women. We had Charlotte facing Liv Morgan as we cut to commercial.
We came back from the break to see Logan and Morgan distract Charlotte as Riot hit her with a forearm to the back of the head, knocking her off the apron. Morgan then tagged in and rolled Charlotte into the ring. Morgan followed it with a low-angle suplex and tagged the ringlead, Ruby Riott, back in.
Morgan and Logan double-teamed Naomi at ringside, sending her shoulder-first into the barricade, effectively taking her out. They weren�t done though, and they set up the steel steps and sent Naomi face-first into it. However, Logan still wasn�t done. She sent Naomi face-first into the steps once again.
Charlotte was now at a 3-on-1 disadvantage as the Riott Squad rotated tags. Charlotte briefly fought back, taking on all 3 women. She cut Morgan in half with a spear before Logan caught Charlotte with a nasty knee to the face. Ruby Riott then finished Charlotte off with the Riott Kick for the win.
The Riott Squad def. Charlotte, Natalya and Naomi
Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens (No DQ)

Randy Orton started the match on a roll as he drove Owens out to ringside before dumping him across the announcer's table. Orton then took out a kendo stick and snapped it in half across Owens' back. The Viper took out a second kendo stick and continued the assault.
Owens took out a kendo stick of his own and played possum. He hit Randy with a kendo stick to the hamstring before hitting him with a Fallaway Slam against the barricade.
Owens continued the brutal assault after the break. Orton just couldn't find a way back into the match as Owens hit him with a DDT. Owens then went for the cannonball but missed. Orton set Owens up on the top rope and hit a superplex for a nearfall.
Owens caught Orton with a kick to the gut and charged at him. Orton hit a Powerslam for another nearfall.
Orton looked to set up the RKO but Owens rolled out of the ring and left through the crowd. Orton followed him and the two of them made their way to the entrance ramp. Sami Zayn attacked Orton from behind with a steel chair, before slinking back away.
As Owens rolled Orton into the ring and climbed back in, Orton hit the draping DDT. He looked to set up the RKO but Owens worked on his leg and hit a superkick. Owens then headed to the top tope and hit a massive Frog Splash for the win.
Kevin Owens def. Randy Orton
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