5 WWE Superstars who would have joined ECW if it still existed
ECW may no longer exist but that likely doesn't stop some of today's stars from wishing it did and dreaming about working for Paul Heyman.
When pro wrestling fans fondly recall the 1990s, most of their memories revolve around the Monday Night War that was waged between WWE and WCW. It dominated the wrestling world for most of that decade, but there was a third brand that should not be forgotten.
While Vince McMahon and Ted Turner battled for ratings supremacy, Paul Heyman's ECW was busy changing the landscape of professional wrestling. From the violent hardcore matches to the Superstars that would become household names, it was the perfect storm and it will never be replicated.
However, If it could be replicated though or if ECW had survived beyond 2001, there would likely be a number of today's WWE Superstars itching at the chance to compete inside the hallowed ECW arena. Who on today's roster would have fit in with ECW's mantra best?
#5 Kevin Owens
What's more important is what KO does look like rather than what he doesn't, and that is a legitimate bad ass. If you found yourself caught in a bar fight and Owens was frequenting the establishment you'd be a fool not to hope that the former Universal Champion was on your side.
All of that adds up to Kevin Owens being a perfect fit for the company that was ECW � a bonafide ass kicker with an amazing amount of talent. Plus considering his extended time on the independent scene, it's almost certain that Owens would have ended up in ECW had it continued to exist.
#4 Pete Dunne
One of the most legitimate seeming Superstars under the WWE umbrella right now is Pete Dunne. The Bruiserweight is the current United Kingdom Champion and at just 23 has an incredibly bright future ahead of him.
At the tournament to crown the first ever U.K. Champion earlier this year, Dunne went into business for himself and attacked the eventual winner, Tyler Bate. His tough demeanour and disregard for the magnitude of the event made him stand out from the rest of the pack straight away.
If ECW were still around today Dunne would have been the perfect fit. His character and gimmick have an extremely real feel to them, plus when in the ring he manipulates the rules to his advantage. Paul Heyman could have worked wonders with this young man.
#3 Aleister Black
ECW may not exist in 2017, but WWE arguably has the closest thing to it: NXT. A smaller third brand adored by a group of hardcore fans with a spiritual home, sounds familiar, doesn't it?While not everyone currently in NXT would have felt comfortable calling ECW their home, One Superstar who wouldn't have been out of place performing in front of those rabid Philadelphia crowds is Aleister Black. His alternative appearance, heavy metal entrance music, hard hitting offence. Everything Black is and does screams ECW.
Black's stay in WWE hasn't been a long one at the time of this writing, but he has already made a big impact. Triple H is actually quite lucky that ECW doesn't still exist as it's likely someone like the Dutchman would have opted for Heyman's brand over NXT if given the choice.
#2 Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe has finally made it to WWE's top table. The Destroyer has travelled the world wrestling for almost every single promotion under the sun. The only place left to conquer was WWE, and he's well on his way to achieving that final goal.What's a real shame is that ECW is no longer around for Joe to showcase his aggressive style of pro wrestling. Through his work with Brock Lesnar alone earlier this year, it's likely that Paul Heyman was watching him from his front row seat and wishing the Samoan had been born twenty years sooner.
Joe also bears a remarkable resemblance in both appearance and wrestling style to one of ECW's greatest ever performers, Taz. The Brooklyn native was one of the revolutionary promotion's greatest assets, and it's plain to see that Joe has taken a lot of inspiration from the former announcer.
#1 Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose may be enjoying an awful lot of success in WWE, but there is still a big part of him that seems like he doesn't feel at home there. The Lunatic Fringe has embraced the comical character he plays nowadays, but it isn't who he really is.Dean's real wrestling persona is one he portrayed before he ever set foot in WWE. Prior to that, Dean was known as Jon Moxley and wrestled in some extremely violent matches on the independent circuit, namely in CZW.
While most who wrestled for ECW will tell you that it was so much more than a hardcore wrestling promotion, that is what it is mostly remembered for. There are few wrestlers in WWE right now with a more hardcore background than the Lunatic Fringe. If Heyman were to give ECW another crack Ambrose, would be the first man asking Paul to take him along for the ride.
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