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5 storylines to end Jinder Mahal's WWE Championship run !!!
5 storylines to end Jinder Mahal's WWE Championship run !!!
Here are the perfect storylines to bring a smooth end to Jinder Mahal's title reign.
Jinder Mahal has managed to successfully hold on to the WWE Championship after taking the prestigious belt off Randy Orton at Backlash earlier this year.
"The era of the Modern Day Maharajah would be short-lived," they said. "The WWE will halt his push any time now," they said.
Long Live the Modern Day Maharajah! The Indo-Canadian WWE Superstar has ground through a considerable number of PPV events, escaping with the WWE title, albeit with outside interference from the Singh Brothers and the Great Khali. Legions of hardcore fans and professional wrestling pundits have deemed Mahal�s title reign as a farce � a slap not only on the face of the WWE Universe but also on that of the entire pro-wrestling business.
The vast majority of them have resorted to levying accusations at WWE management for favouring Mahal due to his allegedly �steroid-enhanced� physique, in reference to the popular notion that Vince McMahon and co. only like promoting wrestlers who fit their beef-cake factory stereotype, so to speak.
On that note, one ought to understand the fact that the WWE�s push of Mahal came in lieu of the company�s attempts to make further inroads in the Indian market. Nevertheless, as per multiple reports, WWE head honchos aren�t too pleased with the results, since Mahal�s reign as WWE Champion hasn�t really boosted the WWE Shop sales in the country nor led to a significant increase in revenue from the aforementioned market.
In other words, the promotion is likely to take the WWE Championship off Mahal very soon. Keeping that in mind, here are a few intriguing storylines that could prove to be vital if the WWE intends to ensure a smooth transition of its most important title from Mahal to someone more suitable.
#5 Outside interference
The WWE would be best advised to use the good ol� Outside Interference trick, here�s how. As a champion, Mahal often competes in matches outside of his primary rivalry, regardless of against whom his rivalry is with. On that note, the WWE could book him in a one-off match against a fellow established star like Rusev -- having Mahal beat him clean in the matchup.
Following this, they could set up a potential feud with Rusev which in turn would be an excellent way to take the belt off Mahal, by having "The Bulgarian Brute" interfere in the WWE Champion's matches every week. Furthermore, Rusev would provide the distraction in the Maharajah�s future WWE Championship defence (again, regardless of whom it�s against), costing Jinder the match and the title.
The former tag team partners can then be shifted to a solid mid-card feud, wherein neither of the two performers look weak. Well, speaking of making performers look weak�
#4 Triple Threat or Fatal-4 Way?
The WWE has painstakingly built up former 3MB member Jinder Mahal into a semi-respectable, cowardly heel champion.
With that in mind, they simply mustn�t have him lose clean to anyone except a select few Superstars (something I have explained in the points that follow). The promotion would be smart to book him in a Triple Threat or Fatal-4 Way matchup, so as to protect Jinder from being pinned or submitted clean by a Generic George on the roster, so to speak.
Additionally, the WWE mustn't force the aforementioned matchup on us either. They ought to have him compete in a couple of Triple Threat matches in the weeks leading up to a SmackDown PPV, showing him barely slither away with the WWE Championship each and every time.
Finally, on the big pay-per-view night, they can take the WWE title off him by having someone else take the pinfall.
WWE accorded a ton of respect to Jinder by handing him its biggest prize. They�d be at fault should they choose to take it off in a way that shows the man in bad light.
#3 Slow and steady does it
The WWE shoved Jinder Mahal down our throats much like one does bitter cough syrup during the flu. Off you go, Jinder!
Granted that when you examine his rise to the top of the WWE food chain, the promotion did in fact hint towards a potential push for Mahal when he was booked as the runner-up in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania earlier this year.
However, they cannot afford to do the same while taking the belt off him. The WWE has to implement a slow and steady strategy before having Mahal lose the title.
The WWE could potentially go with a long-term program between Mahal and Baron Corbin, irrespective of all the recent rumours of the Lone Wolf�s backstage heat and/or issues with WWE management. The promotion is in desperate need of new stars and Corbin oozes charisma, albeit of the Silent Sam (sic) variety.
A long-running feud with Corbin, that has the two heels going back and forth every week, stretching the feud over a couple of PPVs, and voila!
A new star is born as Corbin takes the belt off Mahal, while the latter puts someone over while losing the belt in a long, drawn out war.
#2 Dolph Ziggler 2.0
Rumor has it that the WWE plans on reconstructing Dolph Ziggler�s character in the days to come, given the fact that the Showoff went from being a former World Heavyweight Champion to nothing more than a jobber for the blue brand.
The man has all the talent in the world to be a top performer in the WWE, given his excellent amateur wrestling background and awesome mic-skills as a heel.
Enter Jinder Mahal.
The WWE can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, by re-inventing Ziggler to steal Mahal�s gold, and in the process getting the WWE Championship off the Modern Day Maharajah.
That brings me to the best possible feud for Mahal to end his WWE title reign with�
#1 Shinsuke Nakamura
It�s safe to say that Shinsuke Nakamura is one of the most poorly booked performers in the WWE today, outside of maybe Finn Balor.
Nakamura is super over with the WWE Universe and the WWE are dropping the ball with him right now. The WWE needs to put its biggest title on him right about now; well, they probably should have a long time ago.
Jinder Mahal has done a commendable job as the WWE Champion thus far. The problem is the fans don�t seem to love him, not even caring to boo him!
The best way of having the honourable piece of gold, known as the WWE Championship, change hands is by booking Mahal in a feud with Nakamura. And no, I don�t want it to end like that abomination of a match between the duo at SummerSlam. Have Mahal lose to Nakamura clean.
5 storylines to end Jinder Mahal's WWE Championship run !!!
Reviewed by 007
August 29, 2017
Rating: 5

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